A Strait Times article dated 26/07 title "Wife's death ends 80-year marriage"
In 1926, Mr Tan Swee wedded Madam Ng Hiang Shun 98. Their marriage lasted 80 years Madam Ng died peacfully in her sleep on the sunday prior to the article.
Quoted her grand-daughter Mrs Geannie Chan, 45 saying "Grandpa kept pestering us to take him to hospital to see Grandma. We didn't have the heart to tell him the news. We were afraid he will die of a broken heart."
For the past 2 weeks at least, I had been counseling at least 2 people in regards to relationship. I'm currently working on 2 relationship. One is mending, one is building.
So this question came into my mind, "How long will my marraige last?" (Please, don't be critical, I know I still single). One criteria I pose myself when courting a girl, I ask myself, do I see myself living with her at least 50 years down the route. I know I could be a good bf, but am I a good husband. I'm working on both, so wish me all the best.
I going to watch "Il Mare", I mean "The Lake House". (Hearing someone asking: Watching with a girl?, Answer: Nah, must probably not, but I watching anyway)
Actually I not really into romantic movies, but these particular one attract me. Reasons? 2. Sandra bullock and the storyline.
Storyline: Two person living in the same house fell in love through communicating using the mailbox. Note, they are 2 years apart. Something actually happened. What, go watch it to figure it out.
The is a collabration between Sandra Bullocks and Keanu Reeves since Speed. My Ah-bu(mom) love speed, kept watching the re-runs on channel 5. She know these 2 people.
So wait for my review hor, if I ever do it.
Before I go on, read this.
For those lazy bugger who didn't read: Leukemia Girl Becomes Diamond After Her Death with help from Science.
I want to become a diamond too for my future wife if I passed on before her. I ask 2 female friends for their opinion. They say it's romantic but eerie.
Well, read this.
Even as we are separate between life and death, I still want a part of me to be with u forever til we meet again. - Lupin Tan.
Energy Zone
Sidetrack: I was preparing to go for my Hip Hop & Latino Dance class when I saw this giant poster on thing call "Cycling Engrgy Zones"
I went in to ask the instructor, a hongkie guy, who explain to me how the whole thing work.
Step 1: Find you estmated Max. Heart Rate.
220 - Age = Max. eg. 220 - 26 (my age) = 194
Step 2: Take percentage of your Max. Heart Rate to get your engergy Zones.Max. * Intensity%
Basically, there are 5 Energy Zones. Using myself as example for the heartrate (bpm)
Race Day, Striving for Maximum effort
155bpm (85%) to 178bpm (92%)
Interval, Key to top conditioning
126bpm (65%) to 178bpm (92%)
Strength, Improving muscular endurance
146bmp (75%) to 165bmp (85%)
Endurance, Heart & soul of successful training
126bmp (65%) to 146bmp (75%)
Recovery, Creating balance in your training
97bmp (50%) to 126bmp (65%)
More infor on these 5 zones can be found here
I also learnt from larry the hongkie guy I mentioned above that during the first 10-15 mins, ur body is using ur glucose rather than ur fats as burning.
Depend what you are going for, if you are more into bodybuilding, go for Strength, but do note that this is more for lower body building, u need to do upper body with the Roller or weights.
If you are more into fat burning, I would suggest Endurance and Interval.
Do note that Recovery is also very important. Do read the article links.
Lupin Tan.
Saturday (2207)
Today as usual is salsa day, I reach earlier than usual. Wanted to watch "The fast and the furious", but end up watching superman instead. Superman is kinda ok, but that bloody disc only run halfway. Ah Lai say he going to get it change, hope it change it by next week.
So as usual lessons, I still trying to get the blooding coke right. Coke is a dance move. I think I the slowest student around. Anyway, finally get to meet steph. She's pretty, very photogenic, abit skinny (to me at least) in flesh. Hahaha.
So as usual, was burning the dance floor @ union (ya, rite), no chance to practices coke, cause too cramp. Then got to know this guy call Kieth, who turn out to be my secondary school junior, same CCA somemore. End up, finding out Gary been my junior also. hahaha.
My junior as 师傅.
Sunday. (2307)
Went Church, saw baby Shalom, so cubbly cute as a bear. Had lunch with big bear Roland who is gloating like Yogi cause his wifey not around. Then head on to gym to sweat it out. Saw the girl I mention in earlier entry. Still no chance to know her name. Haha.
Emily sent me a group of pics where they came up with the possiblility of which when the Superheros and villians alike are out of job.
I particular like this.
Green Eye Skin Monster Hulk as a Father Priest.
First of all, I am fully aware of the "Self praise is no praise".
But anyhow, Today I going to touch on this topic of 师奶杀手, and with the above disclaimer, you should be fully aware that I'm refering to moi in this topic.
Though it's only quite recently that this whole thingy escalating, I realised that I had always been in Auntie's good book ever since I started working.
It all traced back to my youth where I was still living in clementi. I was still in primary school and mine school Pei Tong Primary is less than 50m from home. So, when we were young, there are always the parents (namely mothers) clustering together gossiping, talking, about market prices, whose's husband having an affair, who just pass away, property prices, who is shifting and stuff.
And the funny thing is, the way they identify each other not by their names but by their child's name. Unfortunately, for me, it's mine name that's been used as a form of identification. So my mom's is know as " my chinese name Mom"
Another thing is that, back in those days in Clementi, my mom is unofficially the Head of this club of aunties. So I as the son of this head, had to adhere to this "good boy" image for as long as I know, not allowing to do this, do that. This continued even during my secondary school.
So when it's time for me to choose a tertiary school. I sort of rebelled and choose somewhere far far away from my mom's territory as one of the main reason.
Just prior to that, I had my first job working in Singapore Food Industry (SFI). I was doing some data entry job. With my Godma there as an eye for my mom, this whole "Good Boy" image still stays. I found out that I mix quite well with people, especially with aunties. Well, back then, I don't think that anything, cause maybe I still young, these aunties treated me like their son.
During my 3 years of poly, I went back SFI most of mine holidays for work. But there is this time, I decided to give a sales job a shot. It's those pay-manipulative job that u work like a cow but get paid like a monkey. I was selling Ghost Stories book in those makeshift table. I was trying my sales, pitching and stuff, and found out that my main bulk of customers are aunties. I had realised that because of the years of "training" by my Ah-Bu(Mom), hanging out with her during my youth while she's talking to the aunties, following her to the market, watching her chatting with the provision shop (right below our flat)'s auntie. I sorta understand how an auntie work, and how they live by the rule of "Fresh and Cheap".
So as days pass, I realise I clicked better with aunties, though I had been focus on girls as part of my womanology studies during poly days.
So, as I am now in my current job, I always lunch with aunties. 2 group anyway, one in my main company, one in subsidory. So it's always teasing from the aunties on my age and singlehood thingy, which is starting to get annoying. Anyway, one of the aunties, Lyon, I think I mention her before. She says I'm a 师奶杀手.
I guess I am. Through the image that I projected, be it consious or sub-consious. I also feel that with this same image, I generally don't appeal to girls. Cause girls goes for bad guys as the saying goes "男人不坏,女人不爱"
hahaha. This sucks.
Lupin Tan
We human are creatures of habits. So much so that if you follow a certain pattern in a linear manner, you bound to meet certain people at certain place and time.
I had a habit of notice a particular few whenever I was on a move, especially when I was on a routine.
For example. In previous work, I left house about 7.30am.
I tend to meet these two people here and again "Miss Admiralty & Miss I-pod"
So since I started this new job, I tend to meet a few more person on regular basis "The Hwa Chong schoolboys, Mr 扬过, Ms. Assumption's Cher, Ms. Monkhill's Stud & Ms. Bus 23."
I decided to write this entry because Ms Bus 23 & I had a breif conversation. She had forgotten to topup her EZ-link card and had to approach me to change some loose changes. Too bad I had not enough. She had also dropped a sim card and proceed to pick it up. This brief conversation sets me thinking. I had been noticing her for as long as I been working, never had a chance to talk to her and never intended too. How often does such things happen.
And, What about u guys. I mean, surely there are people you tend to notice more. Will you approach them to strike a conversation?
These 2 days, I get to know this girl in the company by the name of Emily (not her real name).
This Emily hor, I don't really know wat to say about her. She's just plain quirky and weird. Even weirder than me. She goes around calling me Uncle Konan (which I detest) and Professor Lupin.
She like a little girl, though she's the same age as Miss J.
I really don't wish to play too much.
I hope also that I don't really offended her in anyway.
Yesterday, I went to this Internet Cafe @ Orchard tower (where I work briefly before moving on.)
I met up with Mrs Wong to fix up her Security Camera thingy (a job that I hold prior to the internet cafe job, where I get to know this Mrs Wong).
So, as usual, the stint of asking me whether I'm attached is being posted to me which I replied no. I was being blantantly reminded that I not getting any younger. We discussed about Christian finding partners.
She told me her husband is a baptised christian (Water). She's not. But She leads life like a christian. This is being posted to me after I told her something that I don't with to elaborate here.
Anyway. She and her husband had been married for quite a long time. Her only son is in sydney studying. Her husband is bed-ridden, and she had to take care of him.
She sent me back (I drove her car) to home and I reach home about 1 plus. But after talking to her. The question that I told her came back in my mind again, Should I or shouldn't I? and this growing old with you stuck with me since then til now.
Grow old with you
I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I’ll miss you
I’ll kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
I’ll need you
I’ll feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you’ve had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
adapted from CNN.com
CNN News
To-date, 86 people had been killed. More to come.
"One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic" - Joseph Stalin.
God have mercy.
I had seen alot of these, these days. Mostly during my salsa dance session @ union square.
Personally, I felt that girls look great wearing these white pants.
Here are some tips I found in the net for you ladies out there intending to wear those.
In addition, I would like to add. Work those Butts and wear a thong instead. ;P
Note: This are fashion advice. Don't think too far.
Lupin Tan.
Self-proclaimed guru in Womanologist
Saturday (1507)
As Usual, it's Salsa day. But the day was kinda bore. I started waking up @ 10 plus as usual, left house around 12, reach Chinatown point to get some wrapping paper (Hello kitty specifically).
Then went to visit Chan and Vincent @ their shop, Vincent gave me 2 very nice Sky Vodka bottle. (Flask-like). Found out that vince had a quite a well-endowed girlfriend, young not that pretty, but fairly compaitable to vince. all the best dude.
Then proceed to Studio cafe. Had lunch, chatted abit, then dance class. alot of ppl not here today. So abit boring.
Then the usual.
Sunday (1607)
Woke up quite late due to late night yesterday. Had lunch, nap again. Reach California Fitness @ 5pm, train until 6.30pm. Saw a cute girl. Didn't approach, think I will she her again on monday. :P
Went to look for Esther to get something from her. Had dinner with Her, Kuku and her mom. This family is cute together. Haha.
Went home. Sleep. ZzzZzz.
"The last act is bloody, however fine the rest of the play. They throw dirt over your head, and it's finished forever." - Blaise Pascal.
TGIF, Friday, Friday, yea yea, it's friday.
I loveeeeeeeee Friday. I going to hit the weekend with a well deservered rest.
Zizou, poor dude, if I was him, I will refrain for a bit longer, and whack the daylight out of the bugger in the toilet for insulting my mother and sister. but well, what done, can't be undone.
Jobless Friend, yet another friend of mine went jobless. She's into the job for less than 3 months, exited due to management change (I know her through her job). Well, that's life, all the best Miss S. I be around for advice.
Lupin Tan.
It's less than a week ago that I wrote this.
Now, there's Mumbai Bombing that occurs less that 2 days ago. Sigh.
Met Maple briefly yesterday, We were talking about contentment. How to be contented and stuff. Then today, Morning Express also talking about the same topic, which Singapore ranking 131 in the Happy Planet Index. The lowest in asia as it claims.
It got me thinking, what is happiness? I know despite my fustration, I'm generally a very happy person.
This is what I come up with "Contentment is the key to Happiness, Appreciate what you have while seeking what you don't".
Have a good day and life.
Reach California Fitness, Republic Plaza yesterday around 7 plus @ night for my workout .
I ran the stupid treadmill from 7.20 - 7.40pm.
I joined the Hip-Hop session from 8 - 9pm.
I joined the Latino Jam session from 9 - 10pm.
That's almost 2 and half hour of concurrent workout.
Saving Grace, Met Chloe during the Lation Jam class. She's one of the friends I get to know through salsa. We went home together, cause she live around CCK also.
Congrates to Italy for clinching the World Cup.
I remembered 12 years ago, when Italy vs Brazil. Italy lost the finals of the world cup finals in the round of penalty. Roberto Baggio being the poor chap.
This year, they seal it. My heartest congrates to the Pizza-eaters.
See you guys in 4 more years.
Exactly one year ago, while reading Blinkymummy's entry while she's on holiday in UK, she spreads news of a london bombing, giving us accounts from the other side the world, corridor from the ground zero.
I proceed to read the news in BBC itself. Subsequently, I posted BM's entry in tomorrowed where the rest of the local blogging community get words of it.
Today, one year later, let's us all remember those that had perished in this midst of terror which still deems very much a threat if not more. I encouraged that we'll be more vigilant, more alert for the prevention of such incidents from happening again. Ever.
Take care and God Bless.
BBC report this year.
Lupin Tan.
Overcast Weather - I came into office with overcast weather over my head. Thank God, it haven't start raining. I saw something that is picture perfect but I don't have a camera to take it down. hahaha. It's a mosque and HDB flats on the foreground, and the overcast sky as background. There is some light coming out from the mosquse towers. The whole picture is very still and serene before the storm is coming.
Stupid World Cup - I kinda give out on World Cup since Englands loss on Saturday. Was screaming like a mad dog with all the ohhhh and ahhhh miss by the england side, heart pumping and the porturgal side almost scored more than once. Rooney being sent out. Peter Crouch acted like a clown in the circus on the pitch. Beckham cried like a baby when he's injured and out knowing it's his last. Paul Robinson doing great on saving the balls all days but sucks totally on penalty. Only saving grace is Aaron Lennon coming late in the second half and actually penetrate into the portugals side. But what the heck, they lose anyway. I felt my throat sore immediately after that, slept the whole sunday through.
Sick - And I was sick on monday, tuesday, wednesday and today.
Monday had running nose, tuesday to today developed to persistent cough. I hate to be sicked.
California Fitness - I went receeing for a Gym yesterday, went Planet Fitness, good enviroment, quite fair prices, then pass by a pomotional booth of fitness first, the price just term me off totally. Last stop, California Fitness. Told the counter guy that I looking for someone to talk to, end up the GM, Mr Jared talked to me. Showed me around, talked quite alot, I know that he speaks chinese because of his travelling and studying, had a brother named kieth that is 10 years older than me to the day (we share same birthday). He cut me a very good deal, and yes, I'm in. Hahaha
So this fatass here is going to shed some pounds. (I haven't told my mom, I think she'll skin me first(But anyway, she's the one who kept asking me to lose weight)). I down some money, hoping to clear the rest by sunday when I went down for my first session after Church.
Your Inner European is French!
Smart and sophisticated.
You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.