2057hrs, Bus 190 on way home (Penning)
I forgot who did I told, but I think is Spinnee that I felt that today I'm having a weird day. I woke up an hour later than usual (normally I woke up @ 0530hrs) because today is Wednesday, and Wednesday is always Dou Yee Tech Day (The name of the subsidiary to my company). Despite that, I woke up half an hour earlier than normal Wednesday (normally, DYT Wednesday, I woke up @ 0700hrs) because I had woke to clear in DYT.
The first trace of feeling came when I locked my house door. I always had this intuition (6th sense) thingy don't know since when. So today, it's one of those days. Things went on well until when I was about to reach DYT. While alighting from the top deck of Bus 25, I missed a few steps of stairs and sprained my left leg. (Ouch). When I had arrived office, while on my way to the gents, I almost trip and fall.
So, that’s the beginning of my day. Actually, I scheduled 2 main tasks in the morning. One of which is to fix up a switch and connect back all the ports to this switch (You can skip this part if you find it too techy, but too late, Muahaha). The second is to fix up a printer to one of the PC @ level 4, production floor.
Let’s talk about the first task. I found out that the crossed cable that I left there had gone missing for no apparent reason. After fixing the switch to where it should be, and after searching hi-low for the bloody cable (that is less than palm size long), I declared the task pending. My plan is to create the cable back in main office tomorrow and finish up the task tomorrow afternoon.
Task 2: I went up to production floor, took up the printer and want to proceed to fix it. Realize that there are not enough power points. Search Hi-low again for a multi-plug. Can't find, I reflect to the user that I can’t help her until I found or buy a multi-plug, should be pending til afternoon when I got it. She say I purposefully do that in order to go up more often (Spinnee should agree with her knowing that you-know-who is upstairs). (To spinnee: Nah, like I say, I see her so many times today, but, maybe today’s not the day).
So I manage to get a power point for (Interlude, Time: 2115, Sorry ah, need to add something. Me, now inside the bus 190, along Stevens Road. A girl just boards the bus @ the bus stop just before the American club. She saw the bus, pinch her ciggi @ the bin, and walk towards the bus. She’s wearing green spag top, normal stripes pants, quite good figure. She's holding an N series Nokia silver phone with a fluffy thingy dangling. She almost can’t get on the bus, and there is a bus 190 behind the bus I’m on, (which pass us and ended in front now as I typed. Ok, you might ask, WTH am I writing so much about a girl, there are plenty of these kinda girls you get to see everyday. Well, She was an old classmate of mine back in the secondary school days, I forgot what’s her name, and I bet my sorry ass that She don’t remember me. I think her name is Cai Ling or something. Just another prove that today is a weird day. Anyway, back to my story) the printer, then I realizes something. There is no bloody USB cable to link the printer to the computer. (Really feel like banging my head, I was very *Gao-wait*(frustrated) and voice out again to the user. Apologizing and promising I complete the task by afternoon. Everyone is looking at (there are a few girls in that room and yes Spinnee, that girl included), Super malu. So throughout the whole day, I always almost trip and fall for no reason.
Then lunch came, I went for lunch with the usual aunties (yes, you didn't read wrong, aunties click, I am the only guy and they jokingly say I'm their escort). Anyway, the nosiest of the lot (Her name is Lyon, to spinnee, the one who want to match-made me to her sister, Muahaha) is on MC, so quite quiet than usual. After lunching, I excused myself from the aunties and proceed to Kovan to buy the USB cable. I only manage to reach the office around 134x hrs, and proceed up directly to the production office to clear my task. I finally got it up. Teach the user (yet another auntie) on how to use the printer. Catch a few more glance on spinnee-you-know-who (who the auntie realizing me eyeing the girl though not asking), I quickly divert my attention elsewhere and end the task promptly to prevent the auntie from question me unnecessary.
Ok, so apart from a few ad-hoc request from the user, there nothing much. I can do bits of my personal stuff. After I finish with Task 2, I went around with the Account Manager to 巡俯, which I later change to 州游裂国 (don't know correct or not) (Interlude: 2138hrs, the girl I mentioned in the previous interlude was standing behind me just now, I was editing the phone she’s holding, I quickly scrolled down so that she can't see that part that I'm writing. Hehehe). We went around to check on the PCs that are to condemn and scrap.
The around 4 plus, Spinnee-you-know-who was in her normal clothes (They wear uniform lah) and left, she was @ level 2 where my desk is for a whole 10 minutes. Talking to people and stuff. Don’t know will she be @ work tomorrow or not, think of asking the auntie @ level 4 but scared she grills me and stuff. Muahaha.
So, by 1730hrs, and a few minute outs, I part my things and go. I'm meeting Xiao Wei for dinner. Received a sms from her asking me whether am I meeting her or not, which I replied yes, I’m my way. I reached PS MacDonald's around 1820. Took up my comp and wanted to surf net. Can't get IP addy, Can't get IP addy ? Can't get IP addy !!!! Stupid SkynetGlobal seems faulty or they cut services already.
Xiao Wei ordered Team A meal, and I ordered Team B meal, no idea what it is, go check up yourself in Mac. (Time out: Alight Bus @ CCK).
Time: 2155hrs, Bus 300, on way home.
(Sidetrack: While q-ing for the bus, saw a blind lady truing to find her way to the bus. She's taking the same bus, a lot of people ignore her, I told myself to help her if no one help her before me, but someone did. So yes, there are still compassionate people out there, though few) (Sidetrack: I can roughly confirm that the girl I saw in my Interlude is my classmate during my secondary days. I got a feeling that some of you might ask me, why don’t you approach her and ask her to confirm. My answer, for wat, some things are best left unanswered. And how am I to approach her? Asking “对不起小姐, 你很面善, 你很象是我的中学同学.” (Yes, it sounds like the commercial, you should know the following sentence) But anyway, just forget it; she's not even my type, Muahaha)
Where were we, Ah, Team A and Team B. We each ordered a World Cup set meal @ Mac. Now everything also World Cup that is less than a month away. Xiao Wei told me she watch Soccer during the 90’s Fandi Ahmad, Sundram Murthy, Malek Awab, Abbas Said, Lim Thong Hai, Steven Tan (Which I told her my little brother adopt that name because of that player).
Then we proceed to Dhoby Exchange, Xiao Wei want to check up the Billabong Cap she saw last week while we are having our dinner @ Pepper Lunch. Before that, we talk about the girl that work at that shop that she saw the cap. Cause last week, I thought that the girl look like a very close (but lose contact) friend (by the name of Rosalind) of mine. So last week after dropping Xiao Wei @ YMCA where she’s having her bible study (Xiao Wei was my Cell group member when I was @ CHC, now I had change church), I told Xiao Wei, I going back to that shop to “confirm” whether is she (the shop’s person) is my friend or not. (Please bear with me; this is part of the story) So I went back, used the cap that Xiao Wei is eyeing as an excuse, to chat her up, 2 sentence is all I need to confirm that she's not the one. But @ Mac, Xiao Wei ask me about this girl when I sms Xiao Wei last week directly after I confirm that she (the shop's person) is not the one. Then Xiao Wei grills me on why I am so ganjiong(anxious) which I explained that the girl is a close friend. Xiao Wei proceeds to ask a totally irrelevant question. She asked me whether do I have the cell group contact (CHC's member) with me, she want to check a member Birthdate. I had it in my wallet, took it out and tell her the date, then I realized something, Xiao Wei’s birthday and my close friend's (whom I lost contact) birthday is one freaking day apart. Namely 310780 and 010880(I used to call Rosalind 八月老大)
So another weird thing happens again. So we reach that shop, another girl was there, Xiao Wei is checking the cap again. Then this girl (whom I was checking out last week, came) and the first thing she said when she saw me is (“Hello, 是你啊?”) (Time out: alighting Bus 300)
(Time: 2230hrs, Preparing to sleep) So, she remembered me, Muahaha. Anyway, Xiao Wei bought the cap, I chat with girl up, and her name is Maple. (Second Maple I know so far, Forgot to ask her got play Maple Story or not, Muahaha Check with her the business there. Quite Poor, Maybe I help her, hehehe. Before I left I teased her, “Please don’t tell me we are your first customer” (Because the business is cold) I know, I know, I’m bad, but it’s a joke. Xiao Wei scolded me. But I think that question left a stronger impression. Wahahaha. I is siao (crazy)(imitating BM’s style)
While walking towards YMCA, Xiao Wei say, I might give that girl an impression that I am chatting her up, interested and stuff which I replied I only talk about 2 sentences with her to find out is she my friend. But anyway, after dropping Xiao Wei, I proceed to Tanjong Pagar, Union Square, was supposed to meet Edna. (Sidetrack: Edna ask me whether I going down to Union Square anot this morning when I saw her in MSN. I told her that I will go down if she’s going, she ask me to check what time Gary is going down, I checked, inform her and remind her to call me if she going. So the last message I got from her prior to meeting Xiao Wei @ Mac is she’s coming down, hence the trip down)
I reach Union Square around 2015, found a nice corner, took out my lappy and wanted to start blogging about today (being a weird day). Said hi to one of the bartender, whom I think remember me, tell another that I waiting for a friend when I was being approached. Felt abit paiseh (embarrassed) cause I taking the entire sofa area and when a bunch of expats came in (which included 2 angmoh chiobus (pretty Caucasians)) . Then an sms from Edna came and say she’s not coming, which I replied that I had reached the place, and I went with an injured leg. So I left Union square, walk towards Outram Park area to take Bus 190. Passed by Duxton Rd, then got those “Girls” calling, “Honey, Honey, Come, Come” I hurried off. Halway through, Edna called. Saying she’s coming down, and she’s feeling paiseh. To Edna, no need to, You are not the first and won’t be the last. I’m used to it. Anyway, It’s un-gentlemen of me to ask a girl to come out when she don’t , want to, so not Lupin (For those who know my name origins), we can meet again.
Edited (170506, 1204am) Forgot to add, I was almost knocked down by a female driver before I reach the bus-stop, I jay-walk while the walking man is still red. But there ain't cars around. The got one black nissan march which I felt that She's (yes, a bloody female driver (in general)) going to pass, so I wanted to cross, then she stop, hesitated (cause light turning amber), I walked behind her car and she almost knocked me down when she wanted to reverse the car before the stop line. Pretty driver, but I really don't like her driving skill. Please, spare us.
Reached Outram Park and board the bus. (Rest of story, read from top again).
Lupin Tan.
Edited (170506, 1208am)PS: I think this concluded the weird day I having yesterday (@ the point I penning), hope today will be a better day. I'm turning in cause it's late and I gonna wake @ 0530am today. Man. Goodnight.