I had a Prince and the Pauper moment today. No, I'm not the pauper, niether am I the prince.
Let me explain.
I know the "Prince". He is just a normal friend of mine, still studying, doing things that he like and stuff. The "Prince" and I are not very close, but I kinda know what he's doing.
Every Wednesday, I will go to my company's subsidory. Recently I say this person that look 85% like the "Prince". So much so, whenever I saw this person, I thought of the "Prince" friend of mine.
Today, I had yet another feeling. I was doing my work and it is super near to where where this person is work. He is doing a very mundane job of checking some product. After watching him for about 5 min, This Prince and the Pauper story came into my mind. Here is the pauper who working happily, returning home when it's time, coming back when the days starts, year in, day out.
And yet, unknown to this pauper, is a prince, when I saw this pauper working, this prince is performing somewhere to a group of people. A prince who have some problems in his life that he had difficulty dealing with.
Maybe in this life, The prince and the pauper will never meet. Maybe they will, who's knows. With this, another question comes into my mind. Will there be someone who look exactly like me somewhere in this world. If there is, am I the Prince or the Pauper?