First of all, I am fully aware of the "Self praise is no praise".
But anyhow, Today I going to touch on this topic of 师奶杀手, and with the above disclaimer, you should be fully aware that I'm refering to moi in this topic.
Though it's only quite recently that this whole thingy escalating, I realised that I had always been in Auntie's good book ever since I started working.
It all traced back to my youth where I was still living in clementi. I was still in primary school and mine school Pei Tong Primary is less than 50m from home. So, when we were young, there are always the parents (namely mothers) clustering together gossiping, talking, about market prices, whose's husband having an affair, who just pass away, property prices, who is shifting and stuff.
And the funny thing is, the way they identify each other not by their names but by their child's name. Unfortunately, for me, it's mine name that's been used as a form of identification. So my mom's is know as " my chinese name Mom"
Another thing is that, back in those days in Clementi, my mom is unofficially the Head of this club of aunties. So I as the son of this head, had to adhere to this "good boy" image for as long as I know, not allowing to do this, do that. This continued even during my secondary school.
So when it's time for me to choose a tertiary school. I sort of rebelled and choose somewhere far far away from my mom's territory as one of the main reason.
Just prior to that, I had my first job working in Singapore Food Industry (SFI). I was doing some data entry job. With my Godma there as an eye for my mom, this whole "Good Boy" image still stays. I found out that I mix quite well with people, especially with aunties. Well, back then, I don't think that anything, cause maybe I still young, these aunties treated me like their son.
During my 3 years of poly, I went back SFI most of mine holidays for work. But there is this time, I decided to give a sales job a shot. It's those pay-manipulative job that u work like a cow but get paid like a monkey. I was selling Ghost Stories book in those makeshift table. I was trying my sales, pitching and stuff, and found out that my main bulk of customers are aunties. I had realised that because of the years of "training" by my Ah-Bu(Mom), hanging out with her during my youth while she's talking to the aunties, following her to the market, watching her chatting with the provision shop (right below our flat)'s auntie. I sorta understand how an auntie work, and how they live by the rule of "Fresh and Cheap".
So as days pass, I realise I clicked better with aunties, though I had been focus on girls as part of my womanology studies during poly days.
So, as I am now in my current job, I always lunch with aunties. 2 group anyway, one in my main company, one in subsidory. So it's always teasing from the aunties on my age and singlehood thingy, which is starting to get annoying. Anyway, one of the aunties, Lyon, I think I mention her before. She says I'm a 师奶杀手.
I guess I am. Through the image that I projected, be it consious or sub-consious. I also feel that with this same image, I generally don't appeal to girls. Cause girls goes for bad guys as the saying goes "男人不坏,女人不爱"
hahaha. This sucks.
Lupin Tan