Le Weird Life of Le Lupin (UTF-8) ______Trapped In Here...------

About Moi
The Real Lupin,Weird
A Jap and Jackie Lookalike

Mind, Body & Soul

Mind, Body & Soul entry

*Compiling a list link*
Men's Health
Bowling (Monthly)

Listening to Lush 99.5 FM
& Fly FM
Current MP3 Playlist
P.D.A (We Just Don't Care) - John Legend
Ruby - Kaiser Chef
Toc Toc Toc - Hyori Li

What Woman Really Want
Dedication of Monster Killing
Dreamer's Love
White Pants
Grow Old With You
How Long's ur marriage

Weird Weird Thinking
Death of one man
Take Life Easy,Weird Thoughts, WT2
Form vs. Substance,英雄,君子, 蛤蟆
ç« é±¼çƒ§çš„æ•…äº‹,好兄弟吃月饼
Pragmatism without Vision and Faith
"The Thinker" ,小强(蟑螂)的由来.
The Prince & The Pauper,Weird Day
Hitchhiker's guide to the MDA
Last Act is Bloody, however fine rest of the play,Rev. Hulk
Black Up Commercial


Friends & Family Blogs:
My Younger Sister: Sharon Tan
Konan Kenji the Movie Kritic. Up and Running, King Kong Review
Patrick The "Rally King"
Cool Dude Ben-ji
Ben, Audz and the very cute baby Abby
Mine Xiao Mei

Celebrity Blog: (note: Me still trying to earn this freaky spot!!)

The Hottest Female Blogger as proclaimed

Mr Brown
Mr Miyagi

Babes Blog: (note: Though I didn't put your's here doesn't mean you are not a babe.)
Sexy Black High Heels
Sassy Jan
Silly Celly
Self Proclaimed Jerk Magnet
Lil' Princess

Blokes that worth mentioning
LEWDDonaq, L.E.W.D Mastermind
This Bugger write Everything in Hokkien
失。心。疯。子。(UTF-8), Damn freaking good Chinese read
The Lamentation King, He can say KNNCCB faster than you saying KFC
Nice Comic blog

Other Misc. Blogs

RSS Feed

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Loving Father of 5.

No, it's not my father, My Dad had three kids. Me, my sis and my "devil" brother.

It's a friend I acquainted bout 2 days back, he a taxi uncle, I was in his cab when I sent my friend back from work. Well, I'm cliche quite well with him, he found out that I'm a IT administrator and invited me over today to help him have a look on his PC.

Reached his house, saw his 5 kids. Eldest only 12, youngest 6. He had to do Car sales by the day and drive Taxi during the night.

I don't know, but I really feel like blogging this. After fixing his comp, I was watching "Home Run" by Jack Neo, there he is, sleeping soundly even when his eldest son on the sound of the TV loudly. I was having a "what the" in my head.

His kids was playing Maple Story for the freaking whole day while I was there, even the youngest. Each of them played for 1 hour and rotated within themselves. Remind of me and my siblings when we were young. Haha. Mom would say "One hour each" and we will have to compromise.

I finally realised what she meant by saying how hard it is to bring up us when I looked at my friend snoozing away.I was thinking, Does the kids understand the meaning of "Home Run"? Do I? Will I end up like my friend, spending my life just earning for my kids? I really don't know.

So, after the show, I left his house, I beckon his son not to wake him up upon seeing him so tired. I also didn't charge him as I normally do, and promised myself never to charge him in any event he needs help. What's goes around, comes around.

Well, I end my entry here.

Here some food for thoughts "What will you do for your love ones?", For me, I will do everything within my means to make them happy. Will you?

Lupin Tan

Being Weird On|10:57 PM| Loving Father of 5.
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Friday, August 26, 2005


最近不知道又起了什么疯,又开始读卫斯理的小说。先是 "追梦",然后是 "电王", 现在再读 "游戏"。

真是 “入他先人板板", 哈哈。

我看读完这本是时候读 C.S Lewis 的 "Chronicles of Narnia". 好得可以于柯南君讨论电影的剧情。


Being Weird On|11:15 AM| 入他先人板扳。
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lunch At Tower Club

I was having lunch with Boss and Colleauges at the Atas Tower Club, which I don't feel Atas at all. Haha

Being Weird On|2:45 PM| Lunch At Tower Club
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Monday, August 22, 2005



谈着谈着,发现, 我身边的俩个女人在等待念爱。恭喜恭喜。忠心祝福。





added: 2.45pm

爱要爱的轰轰烈烈,无怨无悔, 义无反顾,天长地久,你死我活,天花乱坠, 能吗?

什么狗屁东西吗? 哈哈。
added: 3.50pm

嗨,问世间情为何物? 跟这个女的虽然有面面之交,但对她不了解,又觉得她到现在还对俺有些误解,怕越喵越黑,始终不知从何下手。


俺觉的感情这东西实在玄。路是自己走出来的,不管你做了任何决定,俺身为朋友,一定会支持你的。如果你读了俺这翻肺腑之言,终于明白俺的一番心议,觉得俺可信任,俺愿意当你的"军师", 为你解开任何疑难杂症。



Being Weird On|10:29 AM| 两个等待念爱的女人。
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Sunday, August 21, 2005

National Day Rally

Lupin Tan: I can't believe I sit through the entire National Day Rally. I must be out of your mind.
Konan Kenji: You are dude. For me, I just download and read the whole F**king thing.
Lupin Tan: Hey, No Swearing.
Konan Kenji: LimBeh Song, No happy ah, Beat me Lah!!! NBCB!!!
Lupin Tan: Oi, Stop it lah.
Konan Kenji: OK, OK, Lax lah. So What's interesting in the Rally?
Lupin Tan: 三年一小变,五年一中变, 七年一大变。
Konan Kenji: Simi 大便,小便,you sure 小李 say that in the rally.
Lupin Tan: Absolutely positive.
Konan Kenji: NB, like that everyone gena constipation already lah.
Lupin Tan: Oi, I say no swearing. Not that kind of "便" but "变" (changes).
Konan Kenji: Say properly lah, I thought he got constipation of something.
Lupin Tan: Haha.

Being Weird On|10:12 PM| National Day Rally
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Friday, August 19, 2005

Form Vs Substance.

I was reading an entry from Injenue regarding this Form Vs. Substance issue. He personally favor Form for the reason stated in his entry.

Well, as weird as I am, I feel weirder. I personally favor substance. I really can't see the reason why people favor Form over Substance.

Some I decided to go in depth. When I say in depth, I really meant in depth.

So, without further ado, let me begin on my Weird thoughts in regards to this question.

Form and Substance, whenever we refer to in this context is in reference to the metaphysic branch of philosophy.

I will give my own interpretation of the meaning for this two term later, but before I do, I have to lay some ground works. (For those who have already a rough idea what it means, do click on the link to find out what it really means).

Form is been explained by Plato (found in link) which I won't emphasise (Too cheem).
I would like to emphasise on Substance as explained by Plato's student Aristotle.

He came up with this substance theory, that is the view that the object os something over and above the properties that inhere in it. In the metaphsyics view of Aristotle, Substance is been anaylse in terms of form and matter. The form is what the kind of thing
the object is, and the matter is what it is made of.

OK, now it's my interpretation.

1. Substance: It is the core component of an object(for example: Human), that are that obvious, that we need to study and understand in order to find out how much that object contain. In Hokkien we call it "Wu Liao" (有料)。 This substance is made through process of time and experince and defer from object to object even if it is of the same class. For example. Person A may not have as much Substance as Person B.

2. Form: This is the outward state of Substance. This outward state don't necessary stay the same for a long period. Hence the terms "On Form", "Not On Form" (applicable for soccer). This outward state is a very obvious (vison) expression. You will know straight from the very moment you place your eyes on, or in a short period to know what the state is. In Catonese we call it "Yao Ying" (有行). Do note that this outward state is not very controlable because of many factors involves other than Substance.

So with the above 2 explaination of mine on Substance and Form. I personally perfer Substance, because it is an ongoing process of growth with better controls though it is not as obvious as Form. I like Form too, but Form only act as an enhancement to what is already as a basis, Substance.

I would rather to 有料 more than to 有行, Though 有行 will enhance what 料 you already have.

Lupin Tan

Being Weird On|4:04 PM| Form Vs Substance.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Embrace (Translation of Mayday's Song)

Take away the fake mask of today, running toward the border of Fantasia
In the night where pumpkin carriage is, changed to the fairytale glass shoes
Let me enjoy the feeling, for I am the proud noble
Let me savor this feeling, the misunderstanding of the chaotic world

Yesterday seems near, Tomorrow seems near, silently listen to the night
The kiss of night wind on the Lotus leaf let me be drunk by the pond
When you see clearly my beauty, Tears had fallen from the moonlight
Where the one that’s love me
Hold me Tight; Kiss Me, Oh Love ----- Don’t Go

Hides one’s Tiredness; Express one’s lethargic-ness
Loose one’s Wildness; Seeks one’s tomorrow
Requesting your promises even though you lie
I need the warmth of Love though love flows as river

Yesterday seems near, Tomorrow seems far, silently listen to the night
The kiss of night wind on the Lotus leaf let me be drunk by the pond
When you see clearly my beauty, Tears had fallen from the moonlight
Where the one that’s love me
To hold my hand tight
Hold me Tight; Kiss Me, Oh Love ----- Don’t Go

Where the one that’s love me
To hold my hand tight
Hold me Tight; Kiss Me, Oh Love ----- Don’t Go

Hold me Tight; Kiss Me, Oh Love ----- Don’t Go
Hold me Tight; Kiss Me, Oh Love

Happy Birthday BM ;p

Added 19/08: Thanks Adeline

Being Weird On|9:45 PM| Embrace (Translation of Mayday's Song)
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Monday, August 15, 2005

Stupid Company with Stupid Decision Making.

Hi, This is Konan Kenji.

Well, Lupin is sick, since last saturday, as I am typing this blog for him, he is preparing to turn in for the night. He so sick that he *cough* whenever he type. Poor Dude.

First of all, I want to say, take care dude, Lim Beh will blog for you. For those who don't know who Lim Beh is, well too bad, maybe when Lim Beh Song I will introduce myself.

That poor dude, sick still garang go back opic(office) to work. Comon lah, asif his Towkay will give him sibeh juea lui (Lots of money) like that. Work until like Gu (cow) like that. OK enough of that, he's super sick already.

He's company also very NBCB one, suka suka change "Panels of Doctor". NB, the original one super near to office, just 5 min walk. Now change to one at Far East Shopping Center. Hear properly ho, it's Far East Shopping Center, not Far East Plaza. I bet some of you buggers don't even know where the hell it is.

I mean, Comon lah, I know (From what lupin told me) that the previous Doctor more easy to get MC, but you must think of "hardworking" employees like that gundo Lupin, come in morning work, that later see doctor what.

I still don't know why that gundo still staying for in that Company.


Maybe because of girls.

This part is for a certain NBCB Bo Nao (No brain) Anon. Comon lah, Give Lupin a break lah. You think Lupin so simple one ah, just poh (Ankak Bolah) BlinkyMummy so he can bed her. You think Lupin wan to bed her ah, I think you want to bed her yourself, only you on't have the balls(bola) to even to use an identity to "Flame" people.

Let me tell you a secret of Lupin. In his company, He has 1 "dear", 2 "sayangs". He got another 2 "dears" and 1 "sayang" on net. You think He got time for BlinkyMummy. It's all part of his stupid boliao Womanology project that that gundo's so proud of.
And do you think that bugger is stupid enough to waste so much time and effort on BlinkyMummy though he know perfectly sure that he stands no chance. He rather concentrate on nearer targets.

So Anon, I know lah, don't be stupid that we don't know it's the same you that kept change the nick, Give Lupin a break lah, I beg you can. Don't be a KNNCCB lah. Got retribution one. Really. Don't later your son no asshole, start complaining people again.

So, BM, no offend ah, though I don't know what in the fucking world do that gundo Lupin see in you. I mean,
1. You smoke (He don't),
2. You cuss (He try not to),
3. You chiong (He ah, I don't think he even know how to spell chiong)
4. You like bengs (Give him another 3 lifetime he also cannot be a beng)
Maybe like you said to him, He's really a weird guy.

Sayanora for now,

Konan Kenji (For those who think I am Lupin, I not, He periodically let me use his account to blog, especially my movie blog) cause Lim Beh too lazy to setup an account.

BTW, to that certain KNN Bo Nao Anon, if you are reading and thinking of commenting here or BM blog, don't bother. Though Lupin don't find it, but I personally think it's very time wasting to waste of a No-brainer-bugger like you. So, get a life, jump of any building, the most your story will be running on the papers for one week before people forget about you. That's the most happening stuff that can happen to you. Sayonara

Being Weird On|9:38 PM| Stupid Company with Stupid Decision Making.
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Friday, August 12, 2005

Unmasking Sister Furong.

Kenny, here's your answer.

I chance upon this Sister Furong blog while surfing your website. I was reading through the comments and see that there are alot of "attacking" on this character and you commenting on one of the entries that it is a fake.

Actually, I was waiting for you to do that. (To unmask the site)

I went to google to do a search for 芙蓉姐姐's official blog and manage to find it at the following link.

So I commented on one of the entries on the reason why I think the site is a fake.

1. The content is too local (Singapore)
2. Overly fake use of English (Act Blur)
3. Good photoshop skills

I even posted the above link as a further prove of what I say.

This comment is been deleted by the Author(administrator). This blogger call Let's Fcuk can be my witness.

I found out from Rambotan during a gathering that China had blocked blogger.com. So I posted on the comment again. This time with link proving that.

Hence, came this "Jerry Lin" guy claiming to be the administrator/franchisee.

Being Weird On|2:52 PM| Unmasking Sister Furong.
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Thursday, August 11, 2005



According to dictionary.com, it means "Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange." It's funny why more that once my friends told me this. Am I weird?

It seems like whenever I with my place, no matter wat I do, I seem out of place. Well not in the psychical sense. But it seems that I am of a different realm, different frequency, and different mindset. Maybe it’s this presentation that I strike out as an odd, unusual and strange character that they fail to understand.

To be honest to you guys, (BM, you are not the alien, cause I’m am), The real alien is I. Someone with higher enlightenment, someone with “weird” thinking, someone that always seems the most out of place person in the whole environment. I wish I had the photo now to prove my alienate heritage, but too bad, not time to scan, some other time.

Maybe you guys should start understand the concept of Weird (Wryd).

Wryd is one third of the Fate Sister that control everyone fate. She represents the past the influence the present (Verdandi), that in turn affect the future (skuld). A lot of people I know only live and understand the present. They fail to accpet who they are (their past) . and who they going to be in the future.

Once you accept the “weirdness” in you, you will start to have a clearer picture.

So, be weird.


Lupin Tan

Being Weird On|3:10 PM| Weird.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Why I think S R Nathan will be re-elected.

First of all, I feel that as events turn out for Mr. Andrew Kuan, Presidency Hopeful, I doubt there will be any presidency election in the first place on coming 27 Aug.

Unless, the 4th candidate that till now, refused to be surfaced, turn out to be someone we are familiar and aware of.

So, with the current scenario, the chance of S R Nathan (with due respect) will be re-elected.

As a Singaporean, though mud-blood, I feel that we are always on the safe side. We tend to a system that we are familiar and generally happy with. We tend to unwelcome changes unless we know for certain that the changes will benefit us more that the previous system.

Mr. S R Nathan has serves us well for these past 6 years, reaching out to the citizens of all level. He has a clean-cut image, and is open to his doing and actions. In other to re-run the presidency, he had openly released his medical report.

Generally, I don’t really care who is the president as long as he is a good leader. Like what PM Lee says, he who leads should lead with example. (Paraphrase).

I do hope that everything will turn out fine.

added: 12/08

Ha, See, now JTW has given PEC (Presidency Election Committee) their full appraisial on Mr Andrew Kuan performance. Look like this bugger is toast before the show get started.

added: 13/08

PEC had only released a COE(Certificate of Eligibility) to S R Nathan. Looks like no election again. Congrats though.

Lupin Tan

Being Weird On|3:27 PM| Why I think S R Nathan will be re-elected.
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Monday, August 08, 2005

Some Weird Lesson of Life.

1. Life was simple then, when football is just a plain old football

2. What you ask for is not what you get most of the time

3. Things get weird when wrong things seems so right.

4. You will have a terrible time when your superior wants to speed things up


Being Weird On|7:11 PM| Some Weird Lesson of Life.
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Thursday, August 04, 2005


今日中午,当我从午膳而归的时候, 我经过"美珍香"肉干店。看到外头摆了满满的月饼有感而发的想了一个故事。



好兄弟甲: 终于又到了这个时候了,我每年都盼有的出来透透气。
好兄弟乙: 我也是,应为可以吃到月饼。
好兄弟甲: 你把我搞糊涂了,中秋节不是八月十五吗,到时我们都回到阴曹地府了,哪来的月饼给你吃?
好兄弟乙: 你不知道吗,近年来,凡间的人为了作生意,越来越早开始卖月饼了。
好兄弟甲: 难怪你有的吃月饼,你最喜欢什么口味的月饼。
好兄弟乙: 我呀,我最喜欢四黄莲蓉月饼。也是应为吃太多四黄莲蓉月饼,才提早下来。
好兄弟甲: 。。。

English Translation:

I was having my lunch this afternoon when I pass by this Bak Gua shop "美珍香". I saw that they had started selling mooncake though Hungry Ghost Festival will only be starting tomorrow. Hence, a story came out of my mind.

Hungry Ghost Eat Mooncake.

Lunar Seventh Month, The Gate of Hades open.

Ghost 1: Finally it's that time of the year again, I always look forward to this time to have some fresh air.
Ghost 2: Me too, I looking forward to the mooncakes.
Ghost 1: You are confusing me, isn't mid autumn festival One and half month away, by then, we will already be back in Hell. Where can you enjoy any mooncakes?
Ghost 2: Don't you know, in recent years, the mortals for business sake, had push forward the sales mooncakes earlier and earlier.
Ghost 1: No Wonder you have mooncakes to eat, so what's your favorite type of mooncakes.
Ghost 2: Four yolk lotus mooncake. And it's also because of this liking, I end up dying earlier.
Ghost 1: ...

Being Weird On|2:39 PM| 好兄弟吃月饼。
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My Name Is Lupin, Lupin Tan.

I think I have to set things right to the origin of my name. If not, I got people thinking it's a Chinese name (which it's not), a flower Lupine (which it's not), some even thought my name is from Harry Potter, Professor Remus Lupin (which it's also not).

The name Lupin, is an adaptation from this character , Arsene Lupin created by a french novelist Maurice LeBlanc. I first came across this character during my younger days over this cartoon call "NightHood".

About the character: Arsene Lupin is a gentlemen thief living in france during the 1900s. A thing about him is that he will declare his arrival before his "performance" and he got away almost everytime. He's a master of disguise, a Lady's man, and the arch enemy of the famous Sherlock Holmes.

About Arsene Lupin

The Manga Version Lupin The Third

Books on Arsene Lupin

Ciao For Now

Being Weird On|10:49 AM| My Name Is Lupin, Lupin Tan.
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Monday, August 01, 2005



之明年七月一日起﹐凡飲食餐飲者﹐ 將严厉禁止访客在外享用煙草。


我听到一个上了年纪的老汉说。 "这朝廷, 又加烟草税,现又管制咱们的吸烟范围, 叫咱们到哪才好?"

有时,我真的替这些街房相亲不值。虽然小弟我不吸烟,但小弟我一向对烟客怀着宽容之心, 一面解说烟的坏处,但不严制他们的烟用自由。



Being Weird On|10:25 AM| 煙煙一吸(奄奄一息)
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