Hi, This is Konan Kenji.
Well, Lupin is sick, since last saturday, as I am typing this blog for him, he is preparing to turn in for the night. He so sick that he *cough* whenever he type. Poor Dude.
First of all, I want to say, take care dude, Lim Beh will blog for you. For those who don't know who Lim Beh is, well too bad, maybe when Lim Beh Song I will introduce myself.
That poor dude, sick still garang go back opic(office) to work. Comon lah, asif his Towkay will give him sibeh juea lui (Lots of money) like that. Work until like Gu (cow) like that. OK enough of that, he's super sick already.
He's company also very NBCB one, suka suka change "Panels of Doctor". NB, the original one super near to office, just 5 min walk. Now change to one at Far East Shopping Center. Hear properly ho, it's Far East Shopping Center, not Far East Plaza. I bet some of you buggers don't even know where the hell it is.
I mean, Comon lah, I know (From what lupin told me) that the previous Doctor more easy to get MC, but you must think of "hardworking" employees like that gundo Lupin, come in morning work, that later see doctor what.
I still don't know why that gundo still staying for in that Company.
Maybe because of girls.
This part is for a certain NBCB Bo Nao (No brain) Anon. Comon lah, Give Lupin a break lah. You think Lupin so simple one ah, just poh (Ankak Bolah) BlinkyMummy so he can bed her. You think Lupin wan to bed her ah, I think you want to bed her yourself, only you on't have the balls(bola) to even to use an identity to "Flame" people.
Let me tell you a secret of Lupin. In his company, He has 1 "dear", 2 "sayangs". He got another 2 "dears" and 1 "sayang" on net. You think He got time for BlinkyMummy. It's all part of his stupid boliao Womanology project that that gundo's so proud of.
And do you think that bugger is stupid enough to waste so much time and effort on BlinkyMummy though he know perfectly sure that he stands no chance. He rather concentrate on nearer targets.
So Anon, I know lah, don't be stupid that we don't know it's the same you that kept change the nick, Give Lupin a break lah, I beg you can. Don't be a KNNCCB lah. Got retribution one. Really. Don't later your son no asshole, start complaining people again.
So, BM, no offend ah, though I don't know what in the fucking world do that gundo Lupin see in you. I mean,
1. You smoke (He don't),
2. You cuss (He try not to),
3. You chiong (He ah, I don't think he even know how to spell chiong)
4. You like bengs (Give him another 3 lifetime he also cannot be a beng)
Maybe like you said to him, He's really a weird guy.
Sayanora for now,
Konan Kenji (For those who think I am Lupin, I not, He periodically let me use his account to blog, especially my movie blog) cause Lim Beh too lazy to setup an account.
BTW, to that certain KNN Bo Nao Anon, if you are reading and thinking of commenting here or BM blog, don't bother. Though Lupin don't find it, but I personally think it's very time wasting to waste of a No-brainer-bugger like you. So, get a life, jump of any building, the most your story will be running on the papers for one week before people forget about you. That's the most happening stuff that can happen to you. Sayonara