Le Weird Life of Le Lupin (UTF-8) ______Trapped In Here...------

About Moi
The Real Lupin,Weird
A Jap and Jackie Lookalike

Mind, Body & Soul

Mind, Body & Soul entry

*Compiling a list link*
Men's Health
Bowling (Monthly)

Listening to Lush 99.5 FM
& Fly FM
Current MP3 Playlist
P.D.A (We Just Don't Care) - John Legend
Ruby - Kaiser Chef
Toc Toc Toc - Hyori Li

What Woman Really Want
Dedication of Monster Killing
Dreamer's Love
White Pants
Grow Old With You
How Long's ur marriage

Weird Weird Thinking
Death of one man
Take Life Easy,Weird Thoughts, WT2
Form vs. Substance,英雄,君子, 蛤蟆
ç« é±¼çƒ§çš„æ•…äº‹,好兄弟吃月饼
Pragmatism without Vision and Faith
"The Thinker" ,小强(蟑螂)的由来.
The Prince & The Pauper,Weird Day
Hitchhiker's guide to the MDA
Last Act is Bloody, however fine rest of the play,Rev. Hulk
Black Up Commercial


Friends & Family Blogs:
My Younger Sister: Sharon Tan
Konan Kenji the Movie Kritic. Up and Running, King Kong Review
Patrick The "Rally King"
Cool Dude Ben-ji
Ben, Audz and the very cute baby Abby
Mine Xiao Mei

Celebrity Blog: (note: Me still trying to earn this freaky spot!!)

The Hottest Female Blogger as proclaimed

Mr Brown
Mr Miyagi

Babes Blog: (note: Though I didn't put your's here doesn't mean you are not a babe.)
Sexy Black High Heels
Sassy Jan
Silly Celly
Self Proclaimed Jerk Magnet
Lil' Princess

Blokes that worth mentioning
LEWDDonaq, L.E.W.D Mastermind
This Bugger write Everything in Hokkien
失。心。疯。子。(UTF-8), Damn freaking good Chinese read
The Lamentation King, He can say KNNCCB faster than you saying KFC
Nice Comic blog

Other Misc. Blogs

RSS Feed

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The New Lupin Tan.

Dear All,

I decided to swtiched to a new Blog @ www.thenewlt.blogspot.com.

Do Bookmark.

Being Weird On|8:57 AM| The New Lupin Tan.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy BirthDay Miss Chiling.

Being Weird On|8:06 AM| Happy BirthDay Miss Chiling.
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

What I'm Listening (211007)

Britney Spears - Gimme More

Shayne Ward - If That's ok with you

Sean Kingston - Me Love

Jolin Tsai - 爱无赦

Being Weird On|1:09 PM| What I'm Listening (211007)
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Friday, September 07, 2007

Ciao Luciano Pavarotti.


I think playing Nessun Dorma is very fitting for this Legend.

Being Weird On|9:31 AM| Ciao Luciano Pavarotti.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What I'm listening (210807)

表白 - 蕭亞軒

1973 - James Blunt

Laid Back - White Horse

Being Weird On|2:47 PM| What I'm listening (210807)
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What I'm Listening To (070807)


I was wondering why is call 念奴娇, since the whole song never mention. til I came across this poem. This song is so freaking suitable for the new Three Kingdom movie.

故垒西边, 人道是,
乱石崩云, 惊涛拍岸,
江山如画, 一时多少豪杰
故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发, 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。

Rihana - Shut Up And Drive

Michael Buble - L.O.V.E (Not MV)

Being Weird On|9:12 AM| What I'm Listening To (070807)
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why I choose not to watch The Transformers.

I know, I know, it's a great movies, I got tons of friends from my era hyping over it.
I actually wanted to watch. But decided not to after watching the trailer. I decided to wait for the DVD instead in respect of someone I dear.

Make a wild guess? I decided not to watch because of Optimus Prime.
I feel the movie totally spoil my impression of the whole memories I had when I was young, gluing to the TV watching this cartoon during the kampong days (when I went my grandma's place in malaysia every holidays)

I just can't accept what they did to dear old opti.
I will let the pics speak for itself.

My memories:

What they had done:

I can't barely recognized my dear old friend when I see the trailer, imagine the heartpain I felt.

It's like you have a dear old friend that u lost contact but have fond memories off, but when u see him, you can't barely recognize him, he had changed totally, inside out. I bet there are people's out there that the same way I do.

Dear Opti, What had they done to you ??!!!!


Being Weird On|2:07 PM| Why I choose not to watch The Transformers.
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