Ticket Charge Information
I am all hyped up for this concert that is on this coming Thursday. Let me explained later. I won a pair of tickets from WKRZ 91.3fm around march, (din't really blog about it on march). I only mentioned it briefly in my 04/04/06 entry. By the way, it was cancelled then, I had to wait a good 2 months until this coming thursday for it.
Anyway, when I first won the tickets, I already had someone in mind to invite. Let's call her Miss J. Afew of the people (my friends) know who Miss J is, Spinnee is one of them. But it was also then when matters (in which I had no control watsover) gone bearish (Stock Market Terminology). So I was keeping it in view.
So when I recieved news that the concert was cancelled postphoned, I thought I got a good 2 months to resolve the issue and invited her again. But to date, we are on a non-talking-term situation (as much as I hated it). So it's back to square one in thinking who to invite. So I decided to open invitation to everyone I know.
Backtrack abit. Before the concert was postphoned, a thought of asking BM to help me give away the tickets came into my mind. But this time round, I didn't as her to help. I think I just go for it. Seriously hoping someone don't mind watching with me. I really dig into Jamie Cullum's genre of music.
I won't get into the number of girls I ask, but mainly quite a handful, with various answers. There's even 2-3 that considered.
Then came the confirmation, my date-to-be, Miss Hebe(not her real name of course), was one of the last that I opened invitation too. The question here is I don't even know her at all, least her real name. But yet, this woman/girl, confidently accepted the invitation of a total stranger. This I applauded *clap clap*.
So to Miss Hebe (if you happen to read this entry), I really appreciated you for accepting the invitation (I'm really sound like a loser here, Muahahah), I hope you would enjoy the show and my company.
Yours Sincerely
Lupin Tan.