It's been a long time since I last did an update.
Wait Ah; let me check where I had stop. I did an update on 03/01/06, so it's about 3 months. Hmmmm. Maybe I will do a quarterly update of my life instead.
Since the last update, nothing much had changed.
I had more or less settled down in my work environment, I went Penang for a work trip, did a weekly visit to a subsidiary @ Lorong Ah Soo. The working hours here are more relaxing than my previous job, so more time to blog and do my personal things.
I had more of less settled down in church, seeing myself witnessing more to people than usual, more enthuses in reading the word, more obedience in hearing what He said. Within this short 3 months, a lot of things had happened and is still happening.
Still working on the 2 book project of mine, “2024” is still in research phase, while I’m into page 10 of “Visitation from my Future Wife”. Had some delays due to the above mentioned.
Maplestory: ArseneLupin is not Lvl 45. same goes to BlackoRobin. I got 2 character (Store character) stuck because of the patches. Been playing lesser due to the above above mentioned.
Suppose to go for Jamie Cullum tonight but it was Cancelled (by God, I felt). Thank God anyway, because I had no one to go with (All my friends not of that caliber). I have to wait another 2 months for it, see how it goes then, Any people interested (gals only hor).
Anyway, I am picking up Salsa this mid-month. Don’t ask me why, I can’t really explain. Slim down? Take my mind off something? Whatever.
Well, I think I end here, Look out for the next update(3 month later)
Lupin Tan