Guys (and Ladies) hear me out.
American Idol Rocks.
It's back on, Season 5 Every Weds & Thurs, 1930hrs.
You see good singers, bad singers, people that made you laugh til you on the floor rolling.
And Simon still on.
Simon says "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, Whatever"
Today while the journey back from town to office. I saw a pretty girl. Dress in Blue Spag, Blue Jeans, carrying a cute little blue handbag. Short hair, pretty face.
Then when she's about to alight at orchard, I suddenly realise something. She might be someone I know from my past. A girl name Cindy, not quite close, but I still know her from my Secondary school days. 10 years at least. Wow. too bad by the end of the thought, She's gone. Can't confirm.
Well, Shuacks. Better chance next time.
Cindy, You look gorgeous.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Wow, I been a lazy boy and not updating my blog for more thn 2 weeks. Wow. Naughty.
Ok. I had sorta settle down in the church. I pray that I had more time to spend with the cell.
My Maple characters BlackoRobin is now Lvl 45. ArseneLupin is Lvl 32.
My New Year Wish.
I hope my dear Father will send me an Angel this year.
Ciao for now.