n 1: courtesy towards women [syn: gallantry, politesse] 2: the medieval principles of knighthood
Heard over Morning Express today that Glen and FD are talking about Chivalry. Glen quoted from Rod that Chivalry is dead. He agrees with that, so does FD, and so do I.
Yes, Chivalry is dead, so is the lady.
First of all, I would like to say, on my part, I trying my best to uphold chivalry, I tried my best being a gentlemen in front of ladies. Lupin by the name of it means gentlemen anyway, cause it's a adaptation of a novel whom Lupin is a gentlemen thief.
But yes, Chivalry is throughly dead. In generally anyway. The things is I bet there are still guys like me around, trying their very best to be a gentlemen.
The thing is, women had been complaining about man being MCPs and stuff. But what about them? Like I said earlier, the female counterpart to a gentlemen is also dead. So generally, to all my females friends and female out there, touch your heart and think. Look at yourself before you comment on guys.
Will we ever return or revive such chivalry? I doubt so but hope so.
Entry type: Mind
Current MSN Title : "Bonjour Mademoiselle, Comment vous appelez-vous ? Je m'appelle Lupin"