I did a super short entry 05/05/05.
So, 1 day, 1 month and 1 year had passed and today is 06/06/06.
I would like to do a brief recap. As compare to the period from "04/04/04 to 05/05/05" & from "05/05/05 to 06/06/06", more things happened. I got my job change, I'm more active in church, I got to know more peoples (espeically girls). I write more, both in blog and hard copy, I think more, I study more (all aspects that I'm interested). I'm happier. Yes, I'm happier.
Anyway, apart from the brief recap, there are also another significant reason for writing on this date. First of all, I would like to declare that I am a Christian, just in case you guys don't know. I would like to make the stand that 06/06/06 has no significant meaning (as far as I know of) biblically.Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
I think the old-horn-one will be laughing his horn off at us mortal panicking over this date. First there is the movie "The Omen" airing today, then because of this movie, Mothers fear of giving birth on this date. Then the media as usual tries to blow up this whole date thing.
Read the line I got from the bible again, it says that the numner of the beast (presumebly the old-horn-one) is 666, and not that he's born on this day. Get your freaking facts rite. Aiyoh.
Enough of that already, so far the day had turn up quite fine for me at least, and no, I not watching "The Omen". I think Konan Kenji not watching too.
Anyway, I looking towards the Future. The next date 07/07/07 is the speculated date of marriage of my spiritual sister Esther and my future brother-in-law Victor. Maybe on this date I will do an entry looking back to this entry, counting the things that had happened.
I going to skip 08/08/08, most probably just another entry of looking back.
But 09/09/09.
I feel it's special. Why? That's the date I want to get married, remembering telling some of my friends. But there is a major major major problem here. I'm still single. Muahahahah. And how close is this date? 3 days, 3 months & 3 years away. There must be a miracle for this event to take place, and I placing it all on my Father-up-above. Be it happening or not. Muahahaha.
OK, enough already, this is Lupin, Out.