This is a follow-up to the previous long winded entry
Please read it first before carrying on.
The whole day, I was having this "无缘见面不相识" feeling towards Spinnee-you-should-know-who. Then As I was concluding the earlier entry mentioning above, I was doing a check on the girls mentioned in it and counter it with this title.
Here Goes. (In accordance of apperance, Machiam (as if) like movie like that)
Spinnee - 有缘千里来相会, though not in the flesh, but we quite clicked. Remember who we know each other? Through BM's blog. Then your blog, and me being the first to find out something in regards to that.
Spinnee-you-should-know-who - 无缘见面不相识, the girl in DYT whom til now I still don't know her name of. I christened her a name that I shall not mention here, and yes, Spinnee and a few of my close friend know who she is. 有缘千里来相会? She's from Malaysia.
Classmate mentioned in Interlude - 有缘千里来相会, cause, I won't meet her if Edna didn't put me areoplane, and stuff, the timing is just nice. 无缘见面不相识, Cause I didn't chat her up.
Xiao Wei - 有缘千里来相会, any girl who I know via church belong to this catergory because of the process of me knowing them. Cause there is alot of factor that made me go CHC. So I see it that way.
My Close Friend that I lost contact - 无缘见面不相识, I totally lost contact with her, and I bet if she sees me again, I doubt she remember me, cause even I don't remember how she look like, (vaguely)
Shop's owner - 有缘千里来相会, Kinda lah, She still remember from last week, the it's concidental that we past by her shop after Pepper Lunch. And at first look she look like my Long lost friend (still lost)
Edna - 有缘千里来相会? Hmmmm, Her, I don't really know. How to explain? Just really don't know. I strongly don't think so.
Anyway, I might be meeting someone esle tomorrow, she say she will confirm with me only tomorrow, Just hope she don't put aeroplane like last week.
PS: I write all these not to say I very socialable with girls or not to tell certain someone something. I just feel like writing.