I am now blogging with a nose that can ran a 1000km marathon.
Tissues wipe and wipe. Never Ending.
I felt that I sick on sunday morning before I went to church. Had breaky on Mac.
So, sunday went by, I felt great during and after service, had a nice fellowship with my cell group. Came home. Chat on MSN abit, play maple abit (Yeah Rite).
So, now on monday, I woke up, took a flu tablet (My mom always claim she's half a doctor). And proceed to work. Man, I can't concentrate, Can't think straight. I think the medicine is working. Yet my nose is still running (The marathon of course).
So, I went home during lunch time, reach home around 2 plus. Saw her , say hi, ask her to pray for me. haha. Went to see a doc, came back, took medicine, chat with her again. Then she left, I went to sleep, sms kept ranging. A guy from AVA came for a rountine check on Dengue. Slept, woke up at 7 plus, took a bathe.
And now here I am, typing furiously, with my nose still running (the marathon, wonder when it will finish). Watching Campus Superstar, hungry (nothing to eat).
OK. Think I stop here (while my nose still running), see tomorrow how (Still on MC)
Lupin Tan
Uber Uber Sickly.