Yesterday, I attended a wedding of a "relative". The two of them, held their wedding by Seletar Reservior. Innovative, hot though.
With guest over 200s, half of which are the entire youth wing in his church, the wedding went on smoothly despite the hot weather. A few of us ended up looking like lobster despite there aren't any lobster dish serve. It's buffet style.
I like the setup, though can be improve, it suits perfectly into the enviroment.
I took a picture which I quite proud of with my friend's camera. Here it is.
"Love by the Sunset is always the most Beautiful - Lupin Tan"
Friends had already start marrying one by one, and babies is already coming out one by one. by another 5 years, I can see the my friends will just talk nothing about children, shouting at the kids for mischieving and stuff. Oh no, we getting older, by thank God, we grow old together.
Oh yah, we met Fion. My Ka Jie (Canto for Sister) back in the poly days, a proud mother of 2. Her husband is the colleauge of Roland (the groom). Fion, your daughter has the most beautiful eyes of a baby I ever saw. Cross my heart.
Despite all this, something is missing. those who know what happen to me recently will know what. hehe.
Ciao For Now
Lupin Tan