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Monday, October 17, 2005

The First Romantic Story of the World

"When you saw her, what did you say?"

The old man's eye danced.

"I didn't say anything, not at first," he answered. "I think I tripped on a root, and she laughed at me. She loved to laugh at me."

He let go of his young companion's hand to stoop and pick up a smooth stone in the path.When he straightened, he smiled. It was a faraway smile. He was remembering

The girl tugged gentily on his arm. Her name was Elanna. She was a favorite out of his countless great-great-grandchildren. But now she was a young woman full of life and question.

"But eventually you spoke to her," Elanna said, determined to coax the story from him.

"I was flustered," he answered, shaking his head. "My mind was on fire with curiosity and a new kind of happiness. Here stood a creature after my own kind. Her every feature comforted my senses and invited me nearer. Her eye looked back into mine with soul depth."

The old man paused his narrative. Elanna was wide-eyed.

"You'll understadn that moment better when you have it yourself." he continued. "When you meet your soul's match what words are adequate? Sometimes joy can almost choke you. when we first met, I want to whisper and shout and laugh and dance all in one moment."

"But instead you gave a speech," Elanna said playfully. Her grandfather, or "First One" as people respectfully called him, was known for his speeches.

"Well, yes, you could call it a speech. I suppose it was. My first words in her prescence must have sounded out of place. but the occasion demanded formality. It was momentous. The aninmals were gatheringm adn the Maker was waiting for my response."

Elanna slid her hand into her grandfather's as they walked into a clearing, a natural cathedral in the forest that siphoned the sunlight and pained speckles on the moss-covered ground. "Well, when you describe it that way, your first words are understandable," she said. "It was an inauguration"

"Yes, It was a dedication of her, of us, to the Maker. I named her just as I named the animals, but her name was an acknowledgement that the Maker had once again, and more beautifully than ever, done what was good - He had made us for each other."
Then He stopped walking and stood straighter. His voice deepened as he recited the words on that day so long ago:

This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called "woman" for she was taken out of man

When He finished, neither the old man nor the girl spoke for what seemed a long time. the woodland sounds filled the silence.

"That's beautiful," she finally said in an awed whisper.

"Elanna ..."

"Yes, Grandfather?"

"You ask these questions because you yourself long to meet yoru soul's match. Don't pretend I don't know you, child. You have your First Mothers's eyes. They looked just like yours do now when she was longing for the Garden. but you miss someone your've never met. You want to run through time and glimpse that first meeting. You want to know how you'll know him. But you need not fret"

"But it doesn't seem fair to me," Elanna said, the words born of frustration tumbling out. "It was easy for you. The Maker brought Grandmother to you. she was the only woman for you, she was the only woman !"

"Child ..."

"But here, now, it's so different - so, so confusing"

"It's not more confusing," he said gently. "It only seems that way. Our meeting was 'easy', as you put it, not because we were the only humankind, but because in those sweet days before we disobeyed, we implicity trust the Maker to bring what was good."

He reached out and with both hands lifted her head so her eyes looked into his. "My dear child, what you must try to see is that nothing has changed. When the Maker brings you your husband, you'll be aware that it was He who make you for each other and He who planned your meeting. And in the moment, just as we did, you'll want to sing a song of praise to Him."

- extracts from Josh Harris's "boy meets girl"

Being Weird On|6:45 PM| The First Romantic Story of the World
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