Guys, and gals.
Don't worry, I not writing a review, I leave it to Konan Kenji when he watch the movies. It just funny. Me, like Konan Kenji likes movies. So I always enjoy puting movies wallpaper at my workplace desktop. It becomes such a habit that I will put up wallpaper of the upcoming movie that I going to watch. Well, I going to watch HHTTG (HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy). So I put up Marvin the robot (read Konan's review when he had watch the movie to know who) as my wallpaper. He looks likes
The thing is, rite now, there is a hype of Star Wars episode three (Can't wait to see that too). And as every one know after seeing Marvin's picture. They will start to realise, that Marvin look freaking like Those white phantom Stormtroopers. Please, someone, do comment it is not just me that feels that same way. Marvin indeed do look like a Stormtroopers with oversized head. Muahahahaha. Don't panic.